Major Reasons for High Rate of Immigration to New Zealand

New Zealand is an amazing country that many people like not only to visit, but also to live permanently. The country has friendly people, weather is just amazing and the lifestyle in the country is incomparable to other countries. If you have children this is a country that can offer then the best experience. So, if you are considering migrating to a country where you can enjoy a better life, it is good to consider migrating to the country. Here are some of the major reasons why there is high immigration to New Zealand


New Zealand is a country that has a great landscape and provides its residence a perfectly balanced lifestyle. It offers a very friendly and safe environment for families, great career opportunities and also provides great possibilities for travel and exploration. The high quality life in the country is what attracts a lot of immigrants from different parts of the world top the country. The good thing is the New Zealanders also takes pride in welcoming visitors regardless of where they come from. The locals are approachable and they interact very well with the immigrants. So, even people from outside the country feel at home and settle fast in the country. The country is also a multicultural society and the locals are used to mixing with people from other diverse cultures and accents. 

The country can provide all year activities, beautiful lakes and beaches during the summer. It also offers some of the best skiing fields in the southern parts of the hemisphere during the winter season. The country is also endowed with cosmopolitan and vibrant cities where you can enjoy great shopping experiences and other activities. Other great facilities that make the country perfect for many immigrants include walking tracks, sprawling golf course, fishing spot and others where you can enjoy extreme sports. Global studies have shown that the country has some of the cities that offer the best quality of life, thus making the country a great place to live. 

Want to know how to migrate to New Zealand? Click here.

Conductive climate 

Another major reason for high immigration to New Zealand is its conducive climate. The seasons in the country are in opposite of those in the northern parts. Spring here start from September to November and summer begins from December to January. Autumn starts from March to May and winter from June to august.

The country has a temperate climate that is relatively mild, wet winters that have moderate high rainfall and summers that are warm and dry. It is a maritime country and the weather can change dramatically from day to day. Generally the western parts of the country are wetter as a result of the westerly showers that fall here. The climate gets cooler as you travel to further south direction. The average temperatures during the summer range from thirty degrees Celsius to twenty degrees Celsius in the south. 


In terms of size, New Zealand is a bit larger than the United Kingdom, but has just a fraction of the population in the United Kingdom. There is a different in population and the fact that New Zealand has a low population means it can still accommodate more. The people here are generally known to be very friendly, relaxed and outgoing. This makes the countries friendlier to outsiders leading to the high immigration. 


New Zealand is a country that offers spectacular scenery and even those who are born in the country still have a lot to see. The country enjoys wide range of landscape with great mountain ranges, luscious forests, sunny beaches and glistening glaciers. Some of the great sceneries that make the country attract a lot of immigrants include Hobbiton party tree, anduin river, Mount ngauruhoe and many others. Wherever you are in the country, you are very near breath taking scene whether natural, built or human. 


If you are considering going back to school or migrating with your children, you do not have to worry because there are a lot of quality schools in the country. The country has some of the best developed and reputable schools for all levels in the world. Here you will get high quality education offered in primary schools, secondary school, tertiary institutions and even universities. It has the best education system that accommodates learners with different needs and backgrounds. The country has a cultural concept that ensures that everyone is given a fair share and this is a concept that is also integrated in the education system. The education also value skill based achievements and this is a major reasons why many people move to the country to study here. There is balanced focus on both academic and practical achievements and the major education goal is to create connected, confident and learners who are actively involved in building the nations. School children are offered opportunities to have wholesome development through recreational and sport activities in the schools. 

Health care

New Zealand also has a well developed health care system that works perfectly for all. Its residents and those holding a work visa that is valid fro more than two years benefit from government subsidized public health care system that is of low cost or free. Treatment for emergencies and accidents are offered for free in all public health care facilities. If you live in the country as a non resident you can still utilize the health care service at a certain cost. However, you should make sure that you have medical care insurance from your home country before travelling. Dentistry services are provided for free to all people who are below the age of eighteen years and residents who are categorized as low income earners. 


With all these benefits most people find the country more conducive for them to move and settle or attain some of the goals that they might not be able to attain in their home countries. It is expected that with globalization taking more effect, the immigration to New Zealand will continue to rise in the future. So, you can also take the opportunity to move and enjoy the good life in the country. View more details at Globe SG.